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Temple Grove Academy

Temple Grove Academy is a one-form entry primary school located in Tunbridge Wells (near High Brooms train station). It has been managed by the Temple Grove Academy Trust since 2011 and has since achieved a Good rating from Ofsted in September 2019. In all five areas of judgement:

Ofsted said, “Leaders are ambitious for their pupils. They work hard to provide a broad and engaging curriculum for everyone".

  • Teachers have high expectations and pupils value the interesting work they are given. Leaders are determined that all children will learn to read at an early age
  • Through a rich curriculum, leaders aim for all pupils to be able to learn to manage their lives both now and in the future’
  • There are well-planned opportunities for pupils to learn to keep themselves safe, including when online”.

Senior Leaders are proud of the learning environment with the children’s well-being and safety at the heart of all learning. A highly inclusive, rich learning environment.

TGA’s school sits on 4 acres of land in the Sherwood Park area of Tunbridge Wells. The school has already heavily invested in its Forest School endeavour through the following infrastructure:

  • Fire pit
  • Canopy
  • Mud kitchen
  • Bespoke outdoor classroom.

TGA aims to, overtime, further improve its facilities in order to become a local Forest School leader and offer not only year-round weekly sessions but also holiday camps and term time sessions to other local primary schools. Temple grove logo white